Clarkson, Hammond, and May are The Grand Tour’s Beach (Buggy) Boys
On this year’s penultimate day, The Grand Tour’s trio are embarking on yet another epic road trip; no tents needed this time.
The Grand Tour’s Youtube page published the trailer for its first Holiday Special. Destination: Namibia. Vehicles: 1960s beach buggies.
The transition from Top Gear to The Grand Tour came with a new set of rules, most of them being restrictions of “repeating” the stuff we’ve seen on Top Gear. Fortunately, the Specials aren’t on the we-are-not-allowed-to-do-it list.
It won’t be, however, your typical Top Gear special: this time, the challenge doesn’t seem to be tailored as a survival test, so we won’t be seeing Clarkson trying to raise a tent.
We’ll see the trio having fun in the African desert with three beach buggies (built to their drivers’ specifications), trying to prove the TGT boss Andy Wilman these vehicles aren’t as terrible as he thinks they are. So it's going to be a show filled with, erm, good vibrations. And sand. Definitely a lot of sand.
The first TGT special will be aired in two parts, on the 30th, respectively 31st of December.