We don’t know what to do with it though

There are some things a sports car features that make it a “sports car.” One would be the aero works, that can make your car go fast(er) and keep it in contact with the running surface.
Another is the car’s weight, a characteristic that can enhance the vehicle’s acceleration, braking efficiency, and agility. It must be tied adequately with the mentioned aero. Otherwise, it’ll take off, or have its maneuverability affected.
However, the guys at Yagalët are trying to negotiate with these factors and create a sports car with “low flying” capability. So it wouldn’t be a proper flying car, like the Terrafugia but rather a hovercraft-like hybrid machine.
We know nothing more about this concept except for the rendering Yagalët showed us — which looks just like an ordinary two-seat roadster. The hovercraft module is well hidden underneath the car, then, and can be activated "at the push of a button," its creators say. Now, what we’ve learned from watching Clarkson’s adventures is that a hovercraft’s maneuverability is more of an abstract concept rather than an actual thing.
We can’t say if this outside-the-box idea is impossible to achieve or not, as we’re struggling to understand what it’d be good for. Is there a scenario where hovering would make a sports car better? Shout your answers in the comments section below.
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