Because they can

Let's agree on something before we get into the details. Nobody does special editions better than Rolls-Royce. And subsequently, no other carmaker launches special editions more often than the BMW-owned British manufacturer.
Given that summer's not showing signs of packing its bags, Rolls-Royce came up with two special editions wrapped in a Sardinian twist. The gusto comes from Porto Cervo and Costa Smerelda, while the models wearing them go by the name Wraith and a Dawn.
For the bespoke Wraith, designers selected a two-tone silver exterior energized by a purple feature line, while the Spirit of Ecstasy figurine lights up the car's notorious front grille.

There's ostrich leather dressing the lush cabin while the ambient uses shades of purple, blue, and slate blends to induce a state of calmness. I don't know why, but it sounds a lot like something old people would relish.
However, the one-of-one Dawn gets a more rousing treatment, one that combines the emerald green exterior assorted with teak and green leather inside the cabin, but the main highlight is the Porto Cervo emblem recreated using emeralds and mother of pearl set in white gold. I guess the 1% really enjoy being overly spoiled by carmakers.