Wheeler Dealers Replaces Edd China With “For the Love of Cars” Mechanic

China moves on after over a decade on the show

Wheeler Dealers is the show you’ve now known for thirteen seasons, where a car dealing and repairing duo buys cars in need of attention, flips them around and then sells them on for a profit. Ever since the show started, way back in 2003, it’s always been Mike Brewer doing the dealing and Edd China with his mechanical wizardry, but now China has left and Brewer has had to find a new TV mechanic.

China posted a YouTube video (the one above) detailing the reasons for his walkout, but it basically boils down to the show being taken in a new direction which he wasn’t comfortable with, a direction that would “erode his integrity as well as that of the show.”

Don’t worry, though, as China has already announced he’s working on new projects, so we’ll definitely be seeing more of him in the future.

But the proverbial show will go on and in order to replace the tall man, Discovery networks has had to look at others to fill his shoes, and a replacement has already been found in Ant Anstead whom you may know from “For the Love of Cars.”

Anstead said he “grew up watching and learning from Edd and Mike, and in recent years have come to know both as close personal friends. It is with Edd's blessing that I join the team for this new and exciting challenge. I hope he and viewers enjoy what I bring to the show and recognize that for me it's always been about the love of cars.”