Spectacular explosion and save from one of the craziest drag races of this year

Riding through a huge fireball and managing to save the day at the end of the drag strip? No sweat, says this guy.
No prep races are an otherworldly show on a normal day, but every now and then something happens that really raises the bar. The madness bar, that is. Enter Brent Self, with his boosted Camaro, that takes off at high speed on the drag track, wins the race, and then his engine blows, it engulfs his car in a green ball of fire.
Luckily, he not only manages to keep a firm control of his car at a very high speed, but he somehow gets out of it unharmed. The car is toast, but Brent is OK, thanks to his safety equipment.
If this doesn't make you invest in safety gear, we don't know what would. Also, check out other insane drag races here!