It’s series’ crowning jewel according to reviews
The Forza Horizon series has been incrementally improving from one title to the next and its third incarnation is unsurprisingly the best one so far. The formula is pretty much the same, but the setting, premise and visuals are new for this latest one.
Forza Horizon 3, available on Xbox One and PC now moves the action to a fictionalized and compressed version of southern Australia, and instead of being a Horizon Festival participant, you’re now the boss of the operation.
It also places more emphasis than the second installment on off-road racing and therefore features more off-road-ready vehicles too. This goes really well together with the upgraded dynamic weather system, making for often challenging experiences.
Horizon 3 also looks noticeably better than its predecessor, with the star of the new eye candy pile being the dynamic sky. It’s was actually shot using cameras (on location for maximum authenticity) and the in-game skybox is nothing more than a playing back of that footage that’s mixed with the weather system.
It’s not revolutionary, as the formula is similar to that of previous games in the franchise, yet reviews seem to rate it very highly finding little to fault. It's also been said that it will receive two DLC expansions, just like Horizon 2.