Who knew Utah’s arid landscape could be that fun?

Gymkhana plus off-road plus dirt equals Terrakhana, orchestrated by who else than Ken Block and his 600 hp Ford Fiesta RX43.
You basically know the drill for this one from Block's previous Gymkhana series.
Lots of power at the wheels, power slides, clouds of smoke – in this case, replaced by dust – and high jumps.
In Terrakhana, however, Mr. Block has a go at hill climbing – mostly sideways of course – and even manages to partially rip off his car's front bumper.
Also, the environment is not your average obstacle course. Besides being the creation of Mother Nature with a little bit of human intervention, Ken Block's new playground sits at 4,300 ft above sea level and sees temperatures of 102° F.
Here's Ken Block driving the new Ford GT, asking if it can do burnouts.