You’ll just have to take it like a man
Nissan chooses to show Note e-Power’s hybrid perks in a very peculiar manner. It depicts women passenger slapping men for braking too hard.
Now, you might understand where this is going: the car’s regenerative braking system slows down the car in a more elegant manner, so you won’t need to stomp on the brakes like a maniac every time you see a red light. Get it? We neither.
Thing is, although the car manufacturer chose the scenario with the least backfiring potential — women slapping men — after seeing this commercial we kind of wonder: how a women passenger reacts when there’s a woman driving? Would they start slapping each other? Or, if there are two male occupants, would they punch one another’s face?
And nevertheless, is hard braking more painful than an airbag popping in your face — because you didn’t want to upset the passenger so you just drove in the car in front of you? We just don’t get it.
But again, it’s Japan. Maybe we aren’t supposed to get it.