That’s an intriguing view to hold
Although they're not what you would commonly call charisma champions, VW models manage to appeal a thick share of customers. It goes the same with SUVs, and yet we are experiencing this segment's apex as we speak.
Deciding to build a humpback SUV these days is seen by many carmakers as a sure-shot ticket towards profit. And on sound grounds, because the demand for crossovers and SUVs is not only skyrocketing, but also signing the death warrant for sedans and MPVs.
But while it's almost impossible to predict which segment will rise after the SUV boom flattens, some think autonomous cars could send SUVs sleeping with the fishes.
AutoExpress reports that, according to Klaus Bischoff, Volkswagen's Executive Director of Design, at some point, people will see others driving an SUV and say "he's driving a dinosaur."
Although the official acknowledges the fact that such a situation is highly unlikely at this time, he also underlines that "we’re going to see much different vehicles when we get to Level Five autonomy, and then it becomes much more open."
Only time can confirm or rebuff his forecast, but it's safe to assume that at some point, the SUV craze will eventually consume.
Could the cause be a surge in autonomous cars, with their lounge-like interiors where passengers are so absorbed by a 360-degree screen that they won't care what their car looks like?
What's you take on the matter?