This in the context of 80 percent of them never having ridden in one
Now this would have been a pretty unimpressive statistic had it been about some other country, but since it’s about the world’s beacon of technological advance and civilization (where electric cars are more popular than in most other places), it kind of makes the news.
What the survey, carried out in July 2015 by Altman Vilandrie & Co. on a pool of 2,500 consumers discovered was that 80 percent of those questioned had never ridden in an electric vehicle, while 60 percent were completely oblivious to their existence and newfound proliferation.
Altman Vilandrie & Co. Director Moe Kelley explains that “while the EV adoption rate is low, there are signs of strong latent demand in the marketplace. The auto industry still needs to make more low-priced models available to consumers, as well as finding a way for more drivers to try out an EV. If those things happen, we should see the EV adoption rate accelerate.”
The survey also pointed out that the main factors preventing even more widespread adoption were “the perceived lack of charging stations,” noted by 85 percent of respondents, high costs by 83 percent, charge duration uncertainty by 74 percent. Out of all those questioned, only 3 percent confirmed they already own an EV, while 10 percent said they were looking at one as their next car.
Out of those people who said they were considering next, it’s worth noting that younger and more affluent drivers were the ones who most commonly said so – 17 percent of those earning over $100,000 annually, as well as 25 to 34 year olds.
via NGTNews