What you’re about to see might not be pretty, but it’s a good wake-up call

Technology should be a good thing, one that makes us smarted, more educated and even safer. But as we all know, that doesn’t always happen, especially when texting and driving occurs.
Your smartphone can kill you. Even more, your smartphone can kill others. Use it at the wrong time and place and it can destroy lives. Yes, texting and driving is a major issue among today's drivers.

It doesn’t just end with texting. Posting on social media and checking or writing emails behind the wheel can turn dramatic even at city speeds. By the way, did you know that at 50 km/h (mph), taking your eyes off the road for 5 seconds multiplies the chances of an accident 23 times?
Or that in that time frame, the car you’re driving travels for 70 m? It's 70 m that you miss out on. And a lot of things can go wrong in that distance, especially on a crowded street or boulevard.

Using a smartphone while driving is now right up there with alcohol when it comes to actions that cause road accidents. Want more figures? One in ten personal injuries is reportedly linked to using a phone while driving.
Now, if your question is what can actually happen during these attention holes, the answer lies in these ads submitted by La Chose agency for the French road safety administration. Makes one reflect, don’t you think?
Elsewhere, Nevada starting fining people who drive slowly in the fast lane.