BMW i8 Roadster ad reminds us the future has already started

BMW i8 Roadster commercial

There are a lot of maybes regarding the future, but there’s one thing we’re certain about

Although this BMW i8 Roadster ad starts — and continues — on a note of uncertainty, the truth is BMW is looking into the future with its eyes wide open.

But, for the sake of ad telling, we can pretend the future is all a big “maybe.” After all, we can’t know for sure what is going to happen. Maybe we’ll start doing things right, avoiding to see electric cars as “eco” until we haven’t solved the core environmental problem. Maybe Tesla will avoid its impending death, proving that a dream can become true despite the world's Machiavelian interests.

There are a lot of maybes to be addressed on this matter, but one thing’s for sure: the i8 Roadster looks absolutely fantastic, and we’re glad it gives the uncertain future such a beautiful shape.

If you want to see more of BMW's creativity when it comes to making promotional videos, take a look at this daring BMW X2 ad. Also, click here to read all about the BMW i8 Roadster.