This must be the most efficient, least expensive solution If you own a car and like to drink stuff inside the cabin, you're bound to spill some of that on…
Tag: how to
How much damage do potholes actually do to your car?
It’s probably more than you think Potholes are a natural occurrence on all but the best-maintained roads, so if you drive any sort of road vehicle, it's best to be…
Six crucial tips for effective summer car care
Follow these rules and your car will be just fine until the cold weather returns The experts at Diamondbrite, which is the leading provider of vehicle paint and interior protection…
10 things you need to check on your car this spring
Courtesy of Skoda and common sense Now that spring has settled in most of the northern hemisphere drivers can finally swap winter tires for their summer counterparts. But that's not…
This guy asks for up to £5,000 for a car wash
You can learn of his tricks here, for free While some are using car filth as their canvas, Paul doesn’t stand the idea of even a speck of dust on…
10 simple tips to make your car run smoothly and safely this winter
Following these steps will save you both money and headaches Unless you live in an area of the world where the difference between summer and winter is measured in rainfall…
How to skip gears in a manual without killing yourself
Practice (and knowledge) makes perfect One of the most important features a manual transmission has over an automatic one is that, with the stick, you have the freedom of switching…
Detailed video shows how to polish your car properly
Watch and learn, your ride will thank you If maintaining your car in great shape is of paramount importance to you, and even a minor scratch can ruin your day,…
Two-wheel-drive or four-wheel-drive? That is the question
Don’t worry! This guide will help you decide what’s best for you If you're in the market for an SUV or pickup truck, the first question you're most likely to…
Five steps to help you decide which car to buy
Your decision should be as rational as possible — just not too rational Buying a car is a major decision for most of us, which is why you should think…